



2024-07-23 09:36:57 来源:网络


英语三分钟口语对话 急求 -
Glad to see you!How have you been recently!\b,很高兴遇到你,最近怎么样啊?B:A little busy!What about you?\有点忙,你呢?A:Me,too!I'm going to buy a cellphone.Do you have any good suggestions?\我也是,我准备去买个手机,你有什么建议吗?B:Yeah!I know a supermarket's 到此结束了?。
B:你最好做些运动,因为那会给你完美的体魄,并能让你不容易得病。A:是吗?但运动有时很累人等我继续说。 B: 其实运动对新陈代谢有好处等我继续说。 二mark:Hi mary ,where are you going ?mary,你要去哪? mary:I am going to the gymnasium .我要去体育馆! mark:Which sport do you like ? ping-pong badminton 等我继续说。


急求初一英语2人口语对话 -
A:Hi,how are you?B:I don't very fine.A:What's wrong with you ?B:I took a walk with my dog yesterday.I saw he playing with another dog in the garden.A:And?B:At last I can't find my dog .A:That's too bad.B:Yes.Now,I'm very sad and don't kmow what to 到此结束了?。
a hi,where you going to do this summer hoilday?b i will go on a trip i think i must do some excirt a i hope you have a good time b shanks ,do you have any plans?a i will attend a brithday party b who?a jiejie she is my best friend b then where do you want 到此结束了?。
住房听说您有空房间。A: I've been told you might have a vacant room. 听说您有空房间。B: Yes, I have a spare room. 是的,我有一间空房。现在就能看看房子吗?A: Would it be Ok to look at the room now? 现在就能看看房子吗?B: Would you come here in 20 minutes? We后面会介绍。
Mam: Son, Are you busy? I have something to tell you, I saw an old lady when I shop around this morning, the lady..Son: Mam! Didn't you see I am working?! I have so much work to finish, don't interupt, ok?Mam: Oh sorry about that..I just有帮助请点赞。 just haven't 有帮助请点赞。
A:It's wonderful if i can know the future of 20 year late.B:Maybe children every,Maybe old with white hair.A:So what can i do today to make tommrow better.B:Do what we should do today 仅是个小短片,见笑了,
Holidays A:Hello,Tom! How is everything going?B:Pretty well. Thank you.A;How about your holiday? where did you go?B:I went to Beijing, which is a rather charming city.A:Really? Tell me something!B:Well, 希望你能满意。待续,有点事希望你能满意。
英语口语对话 急求 -
Today I tell you my best friends!This is an exciting question!My best friend is Emma,she like to play volleyball.Does she often play volleyball?Ahh,yes!she play volleyball every day!Look this is Emma's house !It's big and plush!Emma,can we come in?Yes,welcome to my 等我继续说。
B=Boss A: Good morning Mr.Smith, How's going?B: Great George! You doing ok?A:Fantstic! So you enjoyed your flight? Everything doing ok there?B: What can I say, the plane is just awesome!A:Mr.Smith, welcome aboard our Rolls-Royce, I’m sure you will enjoy the trip说完了。